I'm falling behind a little in my plans but am slowly getting things done. I just picked up the remainder of supplies needed to do my craft projects. So for May's Rudy Day I will start on the homemade cards. I have 10 to make and I want them to be perfect (or as perfect as I can get them) so I need to get started early. My other goal is to shop for two more people on my gift list. I have quite a few people I give gifts to (about 30 to be exact). I know that's a lot but I love to give. One day I'll scale back. LOL!
This month Rudy Day falls during the Memorial Day weekend and I will be attending a couple of parties so I limited my to-do things to only two because I know me and I will not feel like doing much as I will be quite busy the entire holiday weekend.
Anyways I'll let you know about my accomplishments/failures on Tuesday. Hope everyone has a happy and safe Memorial Day, and remember why we have this day to celebrate in the first place. God Bless.